Breaking Down Isolation

If you have been following me for a while you will have known that I am super passionate about rural health and allowing those who live rurally to feel connected. Last year while on a retreat in Bali I found where and how I wanted to turn my business. I decided I wanted to support those in rural in remote areas feel connected and to help break down isolation. I know from experience that those who live in a farm or remotely it can be quite taxing on your health when you don’t have a tribe behind you.

However, those who live in small country communities would know that the community spirt is strong and people want to help you wherever they can. If your sick meals are delivered, if you are busy working and can’t get your kids from the bus your neighbour offers before you can even ask. But it can still be hard if you haven’t found the people that really connect with you. I’ve come up with 5 tips and ideas for you to help you feel connected while living rurally.

1. Join a sports team

If you join your local sporting team it gives you a way to meet new people, be social on weekends and be active all at the same time. Even if you cannot play sport you can still be a part of your local, football, netball or hockey club. Why not volunteer your time, or go to a social function? Clubs are always looking for volunteers and clubs are so grateful for anyone who is happy to help and it’s a perfect way to meet new people.

2. Join your local CWA

For women why not join your local CWA? This is a way you can meet once a month with women who know what you’re going though living rurally and want to get off the farm and just have a fun evening. The CWA isn’t just for the older generation there are many young women part of different CWA branches and you don’t have to be good at cooking either. Here’s a link to where you can find your local CWA branch.

3. Meet your neighbours and invite them for dinner

We are lucky a possible have the best neighbours ever but it’s a great way to end a stressful day. If I have had a hard day at work it’s a great to relax, vent and feel normal again with a nice dinner and lots of cups of herbal teas. I find it really beneficial as you forget about your stresses or you get to talk them through so you can leave feeling lighter.

4. Join my facebook group

Finally join my facebook group. Its open to any women who live rurally or remotely. We talk about common health issues that effects women and you have access to ask me any questions that you might have about your own personal health complaints. We have daily focuses where we learn how we can better our health, follow a positive mind set and nourish ourselves with a little bit of #selfcareSunday. Click here to join

I hope these tips have helped you feel more connected and less isolated while living in a rural community. If your feeling stressed and worried about your health concerns why not book an appointment because when I work with clients, you will always feel listened and cared. To book click the book tab on my website.


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Managing your health over harvest