Increase Your Energy Without Coffee 

When you’re feeling low on energy and don’t want to turn to coffee for a pick-me-up, what can you do? There are many ways to increase your energy without caffeine, and it starts with understanding the root cause of your fatigue. It could be that you have a nutrient deficiency or an underlying condition such as an underactive thyroid or low iron and vitamin D. Once you understand the cause of your fatigue, there are natural methods that can help you boost your energy levels without relying on coffee. Here are my favourite things to do when feeling fatigued. 

Protein and Healthy Fats at Each Meal 

Including protein and healthy fats in each meal is important because they provide sustained energy throughout the day. Protein helps stabilise blood sugar levels, which in turn helps maintain consistent energy levels. Healthy fats will also help slow digestion so that you don’t experience a rapid spike in blood sugar when eating carbohydrates. This will further contribute to steady energy levels throughout the day. 

B Vitamins and Adrenal Herbs 

If fatigue is caused by adrenal exhaustion, then taking B vitamins and adrenal herbs may be helpful in restoring balance to the body. Many people are deficient in B vitamins due to stress or inadequate diets. Taking high-quality B vitamins can help restore energy levels by converting food into glucose for energy production. In addition, there are several herbs that support adrenal health and may help reduce fatigue such as ashwagandha, licorice root, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng and maca root powder.  

Get 7 Hours of Sleep a Night 

Getting adequate sleep is essential for maintaining good health including mental alertness during the day. Most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep per night depending on individual needs—this includes both regular sleep hours as well as naps during the day if desired. If it’s difficult for you to get enough sleep at night due to stress or other factors then consider taking short naps during the day or going for a walk outdoors in natural light for 20 minutes each morning before work/school begins.

Enjoy Some Sunshine  

Sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D which helps regulate moods, decrease depression and improve overall wellbeing including mental alertness during the day 

Try Matcha Tea 

Matcha tea is made from finely ground Japanese green tea leaves that contain more caffeine than regular green tea but also many antioxidants that provide sustained energy throughout the day without causing feelings of jitteriness like coffee does 

Address Any Nutrient Depletions 

If nutrient deficiencies are contributing to your fatigue then addressing those through dietary changes or supplementation may significantly increase your energy levels 

Feeling exhausted all the time doesn't have to be normal; there are plenty of ways to increase your energy without relying on coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Making small changes such as eating balanced meals with protein and healthy fats, taking B vitamins and adrenal herbs, getting seven hours sleep each night, enjoying some sunshine each day, trying matcha tea instead of coffee, and addressing any nutrient depletions can make a big difference in how energetic you feel throughout the day - no caffeine required! If you're still struggling with your energy levels, don't forget you can always book an appointment with me to help further understand the root cause of your fatigue and get to the bottom of it for good.


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