Meet Lucy, and find out her WHY.


I am Lucy, lovely to E-meet you. I am a Naturopath, Pilates teacher, and lover of all thing’s nature.

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is why I became a Naturopath?

It’s a long-winded answer but here goes.  When I left high school, I moved from Tamworth (the country music capital of Aus) to Sydney to study landscape architecture. I never really knew what I wanted to do, but I always had a deep love for all things nature and design. During my first 2 years of university where I first noticed changes in my mental health. Every day I suffered from anxiety, where I often was paralyzed and couldn’t complete normal daily tasks and within this had period of depression. I grew up in a family where mental health issues were a commonality, so it wasn’t new to me.

I ended up deferring university and moving home to focus on my health. It was during this time where I noticed how lifestyle and dietary changes made such a huge impact on my mood and overall wellbeing. I began to focus on daily movement and mindfulness, and reduce intake of triggers such as alcohol and processed foods. These simple changes literally changed my life.

I decided to move back to Sydney and take some time off study, instead, I worked as a full-time barista. It was during this time where I had the space to reflect on what I wanted and when I stumbled across Naturopathy. I was so drawn to the subject outline, as it was an amazing balance between science and art.  I saw my first Naturopath after I enrolled.

During my years of study, my passion deepened. During my practical hours in the clinic, everything clicked- using my newfound knowledge to support each and every client in their own health journey.

So why Naturopathy?

I always loved the idea of working in a career where I was helping people, cliché I know. I thought that it had to be working as a nurse or a doctor… but I faint almost every time I set foot in a hospital.

I was drawn to Naturopathy due to its integrated approach to treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. I love to listen and create space for my clients, empowering them to make and maintain meaningful change. There are so many different tools and resources we can use to support clients, giving them a deeper understanding of what’s happening in their bodies.

I LOVE connecting with my clients and supporting them with a range of different health complaints and conditions including:

-          Mental health e.g., anxiety, depression

-          Gut health and digestive complaints

-          Skin conditions

-          Women’s health and hormones

-          Stress, fatigue, and burnout

-          Men’s health

 I feel SO grateful to practice as a Naturopath, nourishing bodies both inside and out.

Love and light,

Lucy x






The power of the breath

