My opinion on Hello Fresh after trialling it for 8 weeks

As I've spoken about before I had lost my flow which didn't just include work it also included cooking dinners. I was so tired by the end of the day I just had no inspiration as to what to cook. Then I am sure I am not the only one who gets this response from their farmer partner after asking “what would you like for dinner?” “Oh whatever you want…” but deep down you know that if you cook a curry or stir fry they will turn their nose up and really all they want is chops and veggies. So I thought I need to try something to make my life easier and help me find my spark again and that's when I turned to Hello Fresh.

I am very lucky that Hello Fresh delivers now delivers right to my home. We decided we would order 3 meals per week as we always seem to be out for a couple of meals a week with the football/netball season and we obviously have a freezer full of meat we can have chops and veg some nights. I joke about chops and veggies but I do actually enjoy meat and veggies and so does my body.

Anyway back to the Hello Fresh.

  • I thought there was a great variety of meals and flavours and something for everyone. Lachie and I were both able to enjoy the meals and it actually made Lachie try a few new meals which he actually LOVED that I can now recreate and add to our regular go-to meals.

  • As you know I like to cook in advance to make my evenings easier, I felt I could prep most of the meals in advance and make them grab and goes.

  • I found that there seemed to be a lack of veggies. I'm not sure if I am just used to having ALOT of veggies, but I just felt each of the meals may lack some veggies. But I would always try and bulk the meal up with a few extra veggies which also helped make the meals go further.

  • For winter I thought there were a lot of meals that came with salad. Lucky I like salad and it helped keep typically more heavy meal (Shepard's pie) lighter but often Lachie didn't want and the salads often went off quickly.

  • It has completely helped us reduce food wastage which was another reason why I was keen to try hello fresh.

  • There seems to be a lot of unnecessary plastic

  • I'm sure you are going to ask me next about the cost. I think it has helped reduce our food bill but maybe because we aren't wasting so much due to food going off. Meals cost around $10 per person I think, some cheaper and some a little more. Like I said earlier though, you can bulk meals out with extra veggies which will make meals go future.

Anyway, it has been great for the last 8 weeks, will we continue it, maybe? However, we will probably more likely use it in blocks where we use it for a few weeks than we have a break. We will though use their meal ideas to recreate their recipes at home.


4 types of PMS


Why am I so moody before my period—PMS or PMDD.