What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness. Naturopathy looks at the whole person and provides a personalised treatment program tailored to your individual needs.

Why go to a Naturopath?

Naturopaths can assist the body to heal and maintain itself by means of dietary advice, herbal medicine, vitamins, minerals, massage, flower essence. Naturopaths don’t believe in the quick fixes but rather finding long term health and wellbeing that can be sustained and fit with their everyday lives.

Naturopaths can help in dietary advice, weight loss programs, digestive complaints, respiratory problems, depression, menstrual and fertility problems, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and many other conditions.

When you book in you will find that the first consultation will be long between an hour and an hour and a half where you will be asked many questions to see if there are any other underlying issues as well as the current presenting complaint. It is important to gain all the information to be able to treat the client effectively.

How can a Naturopath help you?

Naturopaths generally give an alternative to conventional methods once all the convention methods have been resorted. Naturopaths aren’t doctors but they can give you an alternative method to help the body heal. They ask many questions as they need to understand the patients signs and symptoms as there is no one size fits all program. They look into family history, diet, stressors, refer to functional pathology if required and can also perform iridology.

Naturopaths follow the 6 naturopathic principles when treating every patient. The principles are the following:

  1. Do no harm

  2. Treat the whole person

  3. Teach, inspire, motivate and encourage

  4. Preventive care

  5. Identify and treat the cause

  6. Support and facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal.

About Me

I’m passionate about educating people about eating and living a healthy life. I have completed my Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy and am a registered member with CMA. I offer many services but the focus is always the patients’ health and ensuring they feel better. I like treating any client but have a real passion for women’s health complaints, digestive issues and children’s health.


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