Your intentions and the new year

How to set your intentions from the heart and manifest the best year yet! 

Written by Samantha Baldry, Wild Love Wellness, 2020

As a fresh new year rolls on in, we are inundated the goals, intentions, resolutions and commitments all over social media! However, I wonder how many of these are truly something that people want to achieve in their year, or is it something that they think should be done or tick off their bucket list to avoid judgement, guilt or society pressures. 

The thing is when you set goals from the right place, heart centred goals, they are most likely to manifest. When they are coming from a different place this is when overwhelm, stress and anxiety builds. Well this is in my case anyway. 

A few tips for to ensure that I set heart centre, grounded goals are to tick off some of these criteria

  • Goosebumps is a good thing. 

  • They must be true for you. Not something that you ‘should do’ or with someone else’s agenda 

  • Please be kind to yourself and use inspiring words. To me, ‘lose weight’ is not as motivating as ‘feel health, strong and vibrant every day’. 

  • The gut feeling is so important. Butterflies and the giddy feeling are what we are going for, not the knot in your stomach that make you feel uneasy or stressed out. 


So, lets ponder the future and manifest some dreams. Please close your eyes for a moment or two and think about the year to come. You could even do a meditation to help clear your mind, focus your energy and calm your nervous system. Now, open your eyes and consider the following 


  • Describe how you want to feel in 2021 with 5 words. For example: strong, connected, vital, balanced, calm, present, healthy, bursting with love, grounded, expansive, focused, abundant.

  • What are 3 health goals you would like to achieve?

  • What are 3 career goals you would like to achieve?

  • What are 3 financial goals you would like to achieve?

  • What are 3 self-love goals you would like to achieve?

  • What are 3 relationship goals you would like to achieve?

  • What are 2-3 hobbies that you would like to expand and explore in 2021?

  • What will you make more time for?

  • How do you want to do things differently in 2021?

  • What does your ideal morning routine look like? Be as specific as possible.

  • What does your ideal day look like?

  • What does your self-loving nighttime ritual look like?

  • How can you give more to yourself next year? What would that look like specifically? 


Now, let’s look at the wheel of life that you completed in the previous posts. What area/s would you like to improve. Consider what would have to be done to make each part of the wheel a 10. Write these points down and try to weave them into your daily or weekly rhythm so the improvements can start to build. 

 One of the ways I like to practically implement this is to create a Self Love Menu. I write 10 things that fill me up, make my heart sign and get me back into my body when I am caught in my head.  

Then, when I am having a rough day, a slow start or a bit of a hiccup I turn to this list and fill up my cup. This allows me to get into an energy that I can creatively tackle the other areas of my life.


Like we did for the wrap up and reflecting I like to fast forward to December 31st 2021 and write a letter about all that happened into 2021 and all that I achieved. This gets me really REALLY excited for what is about to unfold, the fun I am going to have and the energy I am going to bring into my days and weeks to come. 

In fact, I get this letter throughout the year and read it again. Mainly when I am at a slow past or cross roads and need some of my motivation to keep going and kick my goals that I set for the year. 

I suggest taking your time with this letter, like the last. It is really insightful and quite mind blowing to read it at the end of the year and see what has happened and what you have manifested through the year. 

Remember, you may achieve more than what is on your list and change direction. Everything is perfect.  It is all about the journey. For this year I am going to focus on flooding my days with beautiful moment that will add up and create my magical life and year of 2021. 

With love and gratitude, 





Fueling Farmers