5 Step- Simple Self Care Process!

Are you constantly recognising that you need to step back and do something for yourself, but then the lack of time and motivation stops you?

We are constantly moving and doing the next thing on our task list, ignoring what our body is telling us, and not taking care of ourselves. I know this because it's what YOU are telling me.

I know the importance of self-care. I know that when you avoid taking care of yourself, your body does the job for you, the result is burn out. To prevent this from happening I have come up with a simple 5 step process to finding time for self-care.

Before we jump into my simple 5 step process it is important to recognise what self- care actually is.

Self-care is more than just getting a massage, for me I hate massages, they actually stress me out more. I believe self care it whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you feel like your cup is full and whatever just makes you glow from the inside out.

According to google self-care is

“the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.”


“the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.”

I like both of these definitions but ultimately what everyone thinks self-care is will always be slightly different because after all we are all different and life would be boring if we were all the same. But I still haven’t told you how to make time for self-care every day.

This 5 step process that I have outlined below is what has helped me juggle work, farm, health and everything in between. I find this is as easy as it comes to allow you to bring balance and energy back into your life.

Step 1:

Use the timetable below to track what you are doing for the next week. Yes, that means tracking when your sleeping, eating, scrolling on social media, working basically everything!!

Step 2:

Reflex on the week’s results. Do you like how you're spending your time? Are you being unproductive at times? Do you have any spare time?

Step 3:

Use the next template below to work out what fills your cup back up. What makes you feel-good, and feel healthy? For me I love movement, nourishing foods, herby hot chocolate, brunch, mountain walking, facials, weekends away, connecting with friends.

Step 4:

Now we want to break things down into 4 categories. Things we can do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

For me this looks like:

D: hot chocolate, movement, nourishing foods

W: Brunch or bushwalking

M: Facial

Q: A weekend away, Naturopath Apt

Step 5:

Now you know what makes you feel good and feel healthy, get your timetable back out and prioritise them into your timetable. Once they are in there don’t sacrifice them for 1 month. I promise you after 1 month you will feel much better, energised, happy, and healthy.

I hope this 5 step process is really easy for you. I hope that you can benefit in the same way I have and I really hope it helps you bring back balance into your life as well as make you feel good on the inside out.

Hayley x


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